Shuma Raha

Stories by Shuma Raha

The lockdown's toll on women

The lockdown's toll on women   2 Jul 2020

'Being shut indoors with an abusive partner has made life a lot worse for women, and domestic violence helplines have reported a significant rise in distress calls at this time,' observes Shuma Raha.

COVID-19 crisis: How housing societies act tough

COVID-19 crisis: How housing societies act tough   25 Apr 2020

Many associations of urban dwellers across the country are assuming powers they do not possess and behaving like tinpot dictators, says Shuma Raha.

The present fills every corner of our cowering minds

The present fills every corner of our cowering minds   11 Apr 2020

'Sometimes we remember our plans and preoccupations from early March.' 'They seem laughably unreal now,' says Shuma Raha.

Finally, a victory for #MeToo

Finally, a victory for #MeToo   12 Mar 2020

Harvey Weinstein's indictment is important because it sends out the message that a sexual predator can be brought to justice even if the crime occurred years ago, when the victim did not have the courage or the agency to speak out, notes Shuma Raha.

Deepika is no stranger to hatred

Deepika is no stranger to hatred   31 Jan 2020

'The vitriol against Deepika Padukone, who is a hugely popular star, will fade over time. But let's not forget what caused it,' says Shuma Raha.

Sabarimala once more

Sabarimala once more   26 Nov 2019

'If enough people defy the law and insist on flouting fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution in the name of religion and custom, does that endow a bigoted, unjust demand with merit?', asks Shuma Raha.

Why the BJP wants to banish Tipu

Why the BJP wants to banish Tipu   18 Nov 2019

'Tipu Sultan may have had his flaws, but that does not mean he can be axed from textbooks.' 'Besides, if it is Tipu today, who will it be tomorrow?' asks Shuma Raha.

How social networks help us mourn our dead

How social networks help us mourn our dead   8 Nov 2019

The masses of digital data that you generate throughout your life -- your pictures, posts, tweets, blogs -- can remain intact in the folds of the Internet, points out Shuma Raha.

Where free speech is the new villain

Where free speech is the new villain   15 Sep 2019

The government of UP has made it a habit of sorts to move against -- or better still, lock up -- mediapersons who give cause for displeasure, says Shuma Raha.

Must you spy on your child?

Must you spy on your child?   25 Jul 2019

'It is natural for parents to want to keep their children safe.' 'But there's a difference between putting up firewalls to protect them and snooping on them 24X7,' says Shuma Raha.

Tech's toll on humanity

Tech's toll on humanity   9 Feb 2019

'You have to be insensitive and callous to want to shoot the spectacle of persons dying, presumably for the pleasure of posting the picture or video on WhatsApp,' says Shuma Raha.

The A-Z of 2018

The A-Z of 2018   12 Jan 2019

The year gone by, decoded by Shuma Raha.

Rahul and the politics of humility

Rahul and the politics of humility   5 Jan 2019

'His humble words are no substitute for a clear vision for the future of the country. But humility has its own power, its own impact.' 'And it's probably more than that of a monogrammed suit,' says Shuma Raha.

The fragility of faith

The fragility of faith   2 Dec 2018

'Faith, and the notion that it has been 'outraged', is used to justify the most outrageous, illiberal and regressive acts,' notes Shuma Raha.

In Durga's image

In Durga's image   15 Oct 2018

'It is time again for Durga Puja.' 'Time again to be struck by India's astonishing cultural irony, one where the female form is worshipped as divinity while millions of real women are forced to lead restricted lives,' notes Shuma Raha.

If you give a pass to bad behaviour, you subvert the gender cause

If you give a pass to bad behaviour, you subvert the gender cause   29 Sep 2018

'Ms Williams has had multiple on-court implosions in the past and got penalised for them, too.' 'She cried sexism this time perhaps because she knew the atmosphere was ripe for it,' notes Shuma Raha.

Why India's adultery law was outrageously absurd

Why India's adultery law was outrageously absurd   27 Sep 2018

Section 497 of the Indian Penal Code, which was struck down by the Supreme Court, managed to be anti-women even while it appeared to be throwing a protective arm around them, says Shuma Raha.

What will India do if mobs rule the day?

What will India do if mobs rule the day?   19 Aug 2018

'Governments forget that no matter how cunning they are, eventually they cannot ride on anarchy,' says Shuma Raha.

When will Indians stop killing each other for the cow?

When will Indians stop killing each other for the cow?   11 Aug 2018

'The cow can always be the CAUSE.' 'Cause for murder. Cause for setting India's people against each other.' 'Not recognising the fact that this can tip the country into an unending spiral of civil strife and set the much-vaunted 'India story' back by years is the ultimate stupidity of all,' says Shuma Raha.

Lust Stories is a shriek in the face of Indian filmdom

Lust Stories is a shriek in the face of Indian filmdom   14 Jul 2018

'Despite the pornographic quality of its name, Lust Stories is something of an event in Indian popular culture,' says Shuma Raha.